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Text File | 1991-08-09 | 57.2 KB | 1,281 lines |
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Who's newly in, still in, or out of trouble? Here are the quarterly results
- announced by various computer and software companies.
- Company Earnings Last Year at this Time
- APPLE COMPUTER UP TO $ 31.8 Million $ 10.0 Million
- TANDY UP TO $ 42 Million $ 21.9 Million
- AT&T UP TO $530 Million $354.0 Million
- WANG LABS UP TO $ 21.4 Million $ 17.0 Million
- DIGITAL EQUIPMENT (DEC) UP TO $170.3 Million $ 91.7 Million
- SUN MICROSYSTEMS UP TO $ 57.6 Million $ 3.3 Million
- SEAGATE TECHNOLOGIES UP TO $ 11.8 Million $ 1.7 Million
- MICROSOFT UP TO $ 10.6 Million $ 8.5 Million
- LOTUS UP TO $ 11.4 Million $ 9.6 Million
- TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LOSS $-23.8 Million $ +9.1 Million
- XEROX DOWN TO $101.0 Million $114.0 Million
- SOFTWARE PUBLISHING DOWN TO $365 Thousand $ 8.6 Million
- Apple, whose income increased 3 fold despite a small decline in sales,
- was one of the most surprising performers in the last quarter....Sun
- Microsystems had the most astronomical jump in income, thanks to
- various pacts its received for its OEM deals and recent stock
- offering....Seagate, maker of disk drives, says falling prices have
- HELPED sell more hard drives; Seagate is doing very well despite
- its loss of an IBM contract earlier this year....Texas Instruments
- blames its huge loss on its semiconductor division...And the massive
- decline of Software Publishing is blamed, by the company, on
- substantial in-house R&D, as well as a sudden shift by the public
- toward high performance software (not "just the basics" as offered
- by the PFS: series).
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Apple Computer announced an enhanced version of its popular
- Macintosh 512K computer. The Macintosh 512K Enhanced replaces the
- Macintosh 512K personal computer, and the first Enhanced Macintoshes
- are scheduled to reach retailers by the end of the month.
- Costing the same as the original 512K machine ($1,999), the Enhanced
- offers an internal disk drive with 800 kb of memory, double that of
- the Macintosh 512K, with up to 50% faster screen updating and file access.
- The 800 kb drive can run existing Macintosh software or new software
- written specifically for the Macintosh Plus, and can read either
- double or single-sided 3 1/2" media. Apple is NOT including MacWrite
- or MacPaint with the Enhanced model; they are available separately
- for $125 each.
- Apple says owners of the Macintosh 512K can upgrade to the Macintosh
- 512k Enhanced by purchasing the Macintosh Plus Disk Drive Kit ($299).
- Those who have purchased a 512K Macintosh since January 16 of this year
- are entitled to a $75 rebate on the Mac Plus Disk Drive Kit. Rebate
- forms will be available at authorized Apple dealers.
- CONTACT: Barbara Krause, Apple, 20525 Mariani Avenue, Cupertino,
- Ca. 95014 408/996-1010
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Compaq, Zenith, NCR, Hewlett Packard, and Cordata have all reduced
- prices on their IBM-compatibles, following Big Blue's 5-25%
- reductions earlier this month. Compaq reduced prices by 16%,
- Zenith dropped the cost of five of its PCs by $300-$1,100,
- NCR clipped the price of its PCs by 18%, Cordata by 33%, and
- Hewlett Packard has chopped prices on the Vectra PC by 10%
- and on the Touchscreen II PC by 8%.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- According to the WALL STREET JOURNAL, IBM's plant in Austin, Texas,
- where the PC Convertible laptop is being manufactured, is virtually
- run by robots. (We may have suspected this, but now we know for
- sure.....) Seriously, Edward Thomas, IBM product manager was
- quoted as saying, "From the time the parts come off the pallet to
- the time it goes into those pretty blue boxes, it's not touched by
- human hands." How fast do the Convertibles come off the line?
- One every six minutes. Now is someone BUYING one every six minutes?
- IBM claims to be the first volume producer of 1-megabit memory
- chips, which are going into its top-of-the-line 3090 series, its
- largest mainframes. The chips are being produced at IBM's
- Essex Junction, Vermont plant. This is a first, but Japanese
- manufacturers won't be far behind. Already, Fujitsu, NEC,
- Toshiba, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi are ramping up their own
- production lines....
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- A story we ran last week ("Osborne Vanishes") was partially true.
- We now have discovered that Osborne Computer's entire inventory
- of office and manufacturing equipment, computers, spare parts,
- and a vehicle, was purchased by Golden State Auctioneers on
- April 8 for $161,000. The auctioneers plan to auction all this
- off on April 29, and whatever they make above and beyond their
- initial investment they get to keep. The $161,000 is a drop
- in the bucket compared to Osborne's debts, which amount to
- $24.5 million and translate to 1,785 debtors. All this boils
- down to the simple fact that Osborne Computer Corporation is
- now officially dead. It was the first portable computer maker, the
- first computer company to go bankrupt, the first to rise from
- the ashes, and the first to fall back into them.
- CONTACT: Golden Gate Auctioneers, 91 Gregory Lane, Pleasant
- Hill, CA. 415-682-8100
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- That other company which we all gave up for dead--Victor
- Technologies--earned a modest profit last month, and plans to
- introduce an XT and AT compatible in the U.S. next month.
- Both the VPC III and the V286 have been selling well in
- Europe since January, helped by Victor's parent company
- Datatronic AB of Sweden. The Scotts Valley, CA. firm will
- follow these products with 28 more--ranging from cash
- registers to PCs--by July.
- CONTACT: Victor Technologies, 380 E. El Pueblo Road, Scotts
- Valley, CA. 408/438-6680
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Three South Bay retailers operating Computerland stores have
- been forced to file for Chapter 11 protection. Known as
- the South Bay Computerland Group, 3 of the 5 member stores
- claim to have watched their sales drop 20% in 6 months and
- say their bank loans are in default.
- Businessland is on the prowl again, this time planning to buy
- 36 stores from the MBI Business Centers chain in Washington,
- DC (See NEWSBYTES-WASHINGTON). Businessland's voracious
- appetite led to its purchase of the Amerisource chain 2
- weeks ago, a deal which is expected to be finalized June 1.
- CONTACT: Suzanne Crocker, BUSINESSLAND, 3600 Stevens Creek
- Boulevard, San Jose, Ca. 95117 408/554-9300
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Noticed there are fewer and fewer Apple, IBM, Tandy, and Compaq
- ads on TV? No wonder. These companies are spending less for TV
- ads. The Television Bureau of Advertising surveys indicate only
- computer -stores- increased TV advertising last year, and are
- continuing to spend 15% more this year. Statistics on individual
- retail chain ad expenses are still being compiled, but leading
- the pack was Computerland, buying $3.9 million in airtime during
- the first six months of 1985; Entre Computer Centers was second,
- shelling out $3.5 million.
- TBA's chart is as follows:
- Network TV Spot TV Total
- 1984 $7,725,200 $7,040,600 $14,765,800
- 1985 $11, 135,200 $5,913,400 $17,048,600
- 1984 $223,638,600 $39,286,400 $262,925,000
- 1985 $126,905,600 $13,164,600 $140,070,200
- Meanwhile, "Computer Industry Advertising & Marketing Forecast",
- published by Communications Trends, Inc. of Larchmont, NY says
- IBM, Digital Equipment, Hewlett Packard, and Tandy will each
- increase their overall media spending in 1986 by 6-10%. Only
- Apple has pledged to cut ad costs--by 20%.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- AT&T will reduce its overall spending for computers this year as
- part of an effort to cut costs. To give you an idea of the
- significance of this to computer manufacturers--AT&T spent $1
- BILLION on data processing equipment in 1985.
- APPLE COMPUTER has donated 59 computer systems to 52 social
- service agencies, marking the 12th cycle of grants in 3 1/2 years.
- For an application, write to APPLE COMPUTER CORPORATE GRANTS,
- 20525 Mariani Ave, M/S 27-F, Cupertino, Ca. 95014.
- THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER quotes sources close to CANON INC.
- as saying that HEWLETT PACKARD is selling 12,000 LaserJet printers
- a month compared to APPLE's 1,500 LaserWriters. (Canon makes
- the print engine for both printers.) This item came in too late
- for NEWSBYTES confirmation...
- COMPUTER:applications INC. of Raleigh, NC says it's released
- "][ in a Mac", which enables a Macintosh to run Apple IIe and IIc
- software without modification. (Full Press Release in "Mailbag".)
- COMMODORE INTERNATIONAL says it's now shipping "PC Emulator",
- a $200 hardware/software package which enables the Amiga to run
- IBM PC programs.
- LUMA TELECOM, a Santa Clara, CA subsidiary of Mitsubishi, has
- resurrected a 1982 Atari product--the video phone. Consisting of
- a B&W monitor, camera, dialer, handset and speaker, the $1,000
- unit is expected to be unveiled April 30.
- THE COMPUTER SHOW premiers in Los Angeles April 22 at 7PM on
- Channel 18, and is simultaneously broadcast on San Francisco's
- Channel 26 on the same night. The hour-long, live program
- can additionally be seen, edited down to half-hour format, on
- Financial News Network affiliates nationwide Saturday mornings.
- Your editor will have a report on Comdex on the April 29
- show, so tune in if you can.
- ELECTRONIC ARTS is shipping "Mind Mirror", Timothy "LSD" Leary's
- new game which claims to test your mental fitness. It provides
- the player with a stereotype (i.e. Rambo), offers him/her a
- chance to rate the stereotype, then summarizes the results in
- a "Mind Map". That's just the start of this trip through "inner
- space" according to Electronic Arts. The $34.95 program is
- now available for IBM PCs and Tandies, and will be out for
- the Apple II and Commodore in June.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Computone Systems Inc., which does business in the Southeast, New
- York and New Jersey as Future Information Systems, has closed 2
- stores in the Southeast and may close a third in a bid to cut
- costs. The company had lost $1.19 million, 34 cents per share, on
- sales of $65.5 million for the nine months ended February 28.
- President Jay Rosovsky said one store in Marietta, GA, near
- Atlanta, and a store in Savannah, GA, on the Atlantic coast, are
- already closed. A store in Gulfport, MS may be next, he said. On
- a lighter note, Rosovsky confirmed that margins have increased in
- Atlanta since Micro Mart Inc. lost its IBM authorization in
- February. The Norcross-based chain went into Chapter 11 a few
- weeks ago.
- CONTACT: Jay Rosovsky, COMPUTONE SYSTEMS, 1 Dunwoody Park,
- Atlanta, GA 30338 (404) 393-3010
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Thoughtware Inc. has joined the move to massive price drops in PC
- software, after an apparently successful test of lower prices
- reported in NEWSBYTES SOUTHEAST. Its Management Training Library,
- formerly priced at $3,495, now goes for $999. Each program within
- the system now goes for $99. Lightyear, Trigger, Sell! Sell!
- Sell!, formerly priced at $295-495, now are all priced at $99.
- "As the price of personal computers fall to $1,000 or less,
- people expect software prices to drop accordingly," said
- Thoughtware president Jack Levine.
- CONTACT: Christine Amiguet, THOUGHTWARE, 2699 South Bayshore
- Drive, Suite 1000A, Coconut Grove, FL 33133
- (305) 854-2318
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- "MIS Week" reports that Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Beaumont) is
- protesting the award of a long-term printing contract worth $300-
- 500 million between the U.S. Army and Electronic Data Systems,
- Dallas, TX last January. Brooks, author of an act which monitors
- spending on automation, wants losing bidders' protests heard by
- the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals.
- The Reagan Administration says the contract is for printing, has
- nothing to do with high tech, and won a restraining order against
- GSA suspension of the contract. The case is now before the U.S.
- Court of Appeals in Washington, DC.
- CONTACT: EDS, Penny Pasquesi, 7171 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX
- 75230 (214) 661-6000
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- DATA ACCESS CORP. is demonstrating its "Data Access" package at
- Comdex Spring in Atlanta next week by using it to create a
- database of local restaurants arranged by type of cuisine,
- location, and dining style. The database will be accessible at a
- number of different booths on the show floor, in addition to Data
- Access' own. The company will be touting a new warranty for
- developers, and the addition WordStar-like word processor called
- "DWP" to the package as a $195 option.
- CONTACT: Diana Wilcox, DATA ACCESS, 8525 SW 129th Terrace, Miami,
- FL, 33156 (305) 238-0012
- QUADRAM is bundling a business-form generator called FormTool
- with its QuadLaser laser printer. FormTool can create time
- sheets, expense reports, activity logs etc. using pop-up and help
- menus. The printer, with FormTool, costs $3,795. The software
- alone goes for $75.
- CONTACT: Jane Bator, CAM GROUP, 4357 Shackleford Rd., Norcross,
- GA, 30093 (404) 925-7643
- "Cheatsheet", a 40-page guide to PC DOS, by hosting a cheat suite
- at Spring Comdex in Atlanta. Instead of buying a booth on the
- floor, MSR is joining the trend to renting a suite at a nearby
- hotel (the Omni International) and leaving it open all day,
- inviting the press and supporters.
- CONTACT: John Day, MSR, 3355 Northeast Expy, Suite 150, Atlanta,
- GA 30341 (404) 452-1322
- and finally.....
- Telecommunications Center over the next two months as two major
- telephony shows fill it, the Telecommunications Showplace May 20-
- 22, and International Communications Association runs May 29-June
- 7.
- Contact: Sudie Castro, WORLD CONGRESS CENTER, 285 International
- Blvd, Atlanta, GA 30313 (404)656-7600
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Seemingly based on a plot borrowed straight out of popular
- fiction, several USC employees and students have been arrested
- in a grade-changing-for-pay scheme using the university's
- computer system. Among those arrested is Darryl Gillard, a
- worker in the school's Registration and Records Office, who
- reportedly took payoffs ranging from $500 to $2,000 to digitally
- "improve" the grades of up to 42 USC students. He is charged
- with seven counts of illegal computer access and faces a maximum
- of 21 years in prison. Others in the case are also charged with
- cocaine possession.
- Apparently, suspicions about the integrity of the university's
- computer records system surfaced in 1984, when a guidance
- counselor questioned one student's transcript. Vice provost for
- undergraduate studies Sylvia Manning recalled that "the record
- seemed improbable," and an investigation was launched. At one
- point, prosecutors believed that phony USC degrees, backed up by
- bogus transcripts, were being sold for $25,000 each. None of
- the three arrested late last week are being charged with this
- particular crime.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Pressing forward in its bid to acquire Quotron Systems, Citicorp
- now says it may make a hostile $19-a-share tender offer directly
- to Quotron's stockholders. "We could conceivably go directly to
- their shareholders and find out if they like the price," said
- Citicorp CEO John Reed. Quotron's stock, now trading in the $18
- range, could immediately fall to $13 a share if Citicorp backs
- away from the company, say Wall Street analysts. "If Citicorp
- does a tender offer, they've got the company," said one New York
- arbitrator. Currently, Citicorp is the only firm bidding on
- Quotron.
- CONTACT: Quotron Systems, 5454 Beethoven St., Los Angeles, CA
- (213) 827-4600
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- The maker of dBase III and Framework, Ashton-Tate of Torrance,
- has sued two companies for copyright infringement. Horn
- Computer International of El Monte is accused of loading dBase
- III software onto hard-disk drives, then selling the drives to
- customers without charging for the software. Volt's Anaheim
- office is charged with illegally duplicating several Ashton-Tate
- programs for use by its personnel. An attorney for Ashton-Tate
- says several other cases of copyright abuse are currently under
- investigation and that company lawyers expect to file other
- lawsuits soon.
- Saying that Ashton-Tate is "more interested in stopping the
- practice (of illegal copying) than having a drawn-out trial,"
- associate legal counsel Geoffrey Berkin also remarked that
- "we're not interested in trying to skewer people," even though
- the firm is seeking criminal rather than civil penalties. Of
- course, NEWSBYTES-LOS ANGELES knows another reason why firms
- like Ashton-Tate don't want to press for jury trials...they may
- lose their cases! In America, it is easier to bury an irritant
- under mountains of legal paperwork to force a settlement rather
- than risk trusting the common sense of 12 unbiased citizens.
- CONTACT: Ashton-Tate Inc., 20101 Hamilton, Torrance, CA 90502
- (213) 329-8000
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Southland retailer Computique had already been under Chapter 11
- bankruptcy protection when a recent NEWSBYTES-LOS ANGELES
- article speculated that the firm would soon file with the court.
- But, according to court records, a Federal bankruptcy court
- judge has made it a brand-new ballgame. Judge Ralph Pagter has
- directed that Computique liquidate its business assets after
- discovering that the firm had been selling inventory below cost.
- In the written opinion of the court, Pagter wrote that
- Computique showed an "absence of reasonable likelihood of
- rehabilitation, coupled with an inability to effectuate a plan
- (to do so)." Assistant U.S. trustee Harry Gastley indicated
- that an interim trustee will be appointed this week to begin the
- liquidation. Court records show that Computique has claimed 60
- creditors, including Apple, Epson, Microsoft and Compaq.
- CONTACT: Computique, 3211 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704
- (714) 559-7373
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Get out your stopwatches. Yes, it's android sports season in
- Southern California. The big event of the automaton athletic
- world is surely the third annual Robot Olympics, scheduled for
- Friday at Cal State San Bernardino. Events will include the
- robot dash, robot slalom and robot biathlon. Brainchild of
- professor David Neighbours, the whole affair is organized to
- challenge elementary through high school-age students to accept
- robots into their lives. "We don't want kids nowadays to suffer
- the same computer lag we adults have suffered," said Neighbours.
- Opening ceremonies are scheduled for 10 a.m. in the university's
- gymnasium.
- CONTACT: Robot Olympics, Computer Center, CSUSB, 5500
- University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Don't bother to diagram this, but Professional Computer
- Consultants Inc. of Santa Ana has been bought by Electro Funds
- Corporation of Denver, but not really. "Actually, we are buying
- them," explains Jim Farooquee, president of PCC (which does
- business as Complete Management Systems). This confusing turn
- of events occurred because Electro Funds is a publicly-traded
- corporation, while PCC/CMS is privately held. Under terms of
- the agreement, the former shareholders of PCC/CMS acquired 42.2
- million EFC common shares plus 18.5 million contingent shares.
- The directors of EFC resigned and were replaced by the current
- officers of PCC/CMS. PCC/CMS manufactures mass storage devices
- and multi-function boards, while EFC is developing an electronic
- funds-transfer switching network, but has no products on the
- market. Well, just as long as the IRS understands it....
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- >>> CIE Systems of Los Angeles has added the CIE 7102 to its
- line of IBM-compatible terminals. The 7102 works with the
- PC-Slave/16 Board from Alloy Computer Products. CIE is a
- division of C. Itoh Electronics.
- >>> Everett/Charles Test Equipment terminated its merger
- discussions with Computer Automation of Irvine. No reason
- was offered.
- >>> Rexon Inc. of Culver City says it will file with the SEC
- for primary sale of 1.25 million common shares of stock,
- with the proceeds going towards debt reduction and working
- capital.
- >>> Diskette Gazette of Chatsworth will exhibit its new monthly
- diskette magazine at COMDEX/Spring in Atlanta. Subscribers
- will get a monthly collection of demo programs to test on
- IBM-compatible computers.
- >>> Ashton-Tate has begun its latest 1.3 million-share offering
- of common stock. Coordination is being handled by Smith
- Barney and L.F. Rothschild.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- "Software piracy serves (the publishers') economic purposes
- quite well and they need that issue before the industry at all
- times so they can make more money."
- -- James Cathcart, staff aide to California Senator Alan
- Robbins, before he walked out of a meeting sponsored by
- the Association of Computer Retailers.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Big Blue's recent price cut on PCs and XTs has been widely
- touted by "industry experts" as the beginning of the end for
- cheap clone makers. But don't tell the clone makers that. This
- past week saw a series of introductions of Orient-made PC AT
- clones by Northeast-based companies:
- -- NEC Information Systems finally rolled out its AT clone. The
- APC (Advanced Personal Computer) IV has an switchable 6/8 Mhz
- 80286 processor and a color display. Not unexpectedly, numerous
- options are available including a 20 or 40-meg hard drive, up to
- 10.5 megs of RAM, and three different color graphics boards --
- including a "power graphics board" with 1120 by 750 resolution. A
- "standard" system with a single 1.2-meg floppy and a 40-meg hard
- drive will retail for $5045. NEC will start shipping in May.
- CONTACT: NEC Information Systems, Inc., 1414 Massachusetts Ave.,
- Boxborough, MA 01719, 617-264-8000
- -- Another Korean computer has hit U.S. shores. The Samsung Group
- has started shipping its SST/286 AT clone, which will be
- distributed by MicroDirect, Inc. of Cambridge, MA. The Samsung,
- like its rival Leading Edge (also made in Korea), is a "fully-
- loaded" machine. For $4,995 you get a switchable 6/8 MHz
- processor; a 30-meg hard disk; 1.2 meg floppy; 1-meg of RAM; a
- Hercules compatible graphics card; a mono monitor; and a one-year
- guarantee. MicroDirect, which was founded last year with $2
- million from 20 investors, has a two-year $150 million exclusive
- distribution agreement with Samsung. MicroDirect says it won't be
- using computer retailers, but will instead be selling direct to
- "corporate computer users."
- CONTACT: MicroDirect, 180 Bent St., Cambridge, MA 02120,
- 617-494-5300
- -- Panasonic will introduce both a PC and an AT clone at Spring
- Comdex. The AT clone, called the "Business Partner 286," will
- sell for "under $3000." The company, which already sells its
- products in over 700 stores, says it'll be aggressively courting
- computer retailers at Comdex. (We wish them luck.)
- CONTACT: Panasonic, One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094,
- 201-348-7000
- -- And finally, Sanyo will show its AT clone at Comdex as well.
- The MBC-990 will have the usual AT features (including that
- ubiquitous 6/8 MHz switch) and will sell for $2599 with a single
- 1.2-meg floppy.
- CONTACT: Sanyo Business Systems Corporation, 51 Joseph St.,
- Moonachie, NJ 07074, 201-440-9300
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- The first three months of 1986 were very good ones for Lotus
- Development's bottom line. Sales were up 44% to $69.3 million
- from $44.7 million for the same period a year ago. Continued
- strong sales of 1-2-3 and Symphony were given the nod for the
- figures. In addition, Lotus says sales have been unusually good
- in Europe.
- CONTACT: Lotus Development, 55 Cambridge Parkway, Cambridge, MA
- 02142, 617-577-8500
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Speaking of Europe, Lotus' cross-town arch-rival Javelin software
- has inked a deal under which Ashton-Tate will distribute
- Javelin's spreadsheet-like program outside of the U.S. and
- Canada. Since its introduction last October, Javelin has won
- rave reviews from users and the computer press, but has failed to
- take Lotus' turf by storm. Only the standard English-language
- version of Javelin will be available for the present time.
- CONTACTS: Javelin Software, One Kendall Square - Bldg 200,
- Cambridge, MA 02139, 617-494-1400
- Ashton-Tate, 20101 Hamilton Ave., Torrance, CA 90502,
- 213-329-8000
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Atari chairman Jack Tramiel was in the Boston area this week to
- speak with Atari dealers. As usual, controversy swirled around
- the bull-necked proponent of "business as war." Area computer
- dealers continued to grumble about his "two-tiered" distribution
- system under which Tramiel claims computer retailers will sell
- the top-of-the-line 1040-ST and mass merchandisers will sell the
- low-priced stripped down 520-ST. But while Tramiel was stressing
- that there's enough business for everyone, the discount
- department store chain of Lechmere sales, with stores in
- Massachusetts and New Hampshire, announced it'll be selling the
- 1040 ST on special for the next two weeks -- in direct
- competition with computer retailers. Lechmere says it's a
- "specialty" store chain because it carries a wide range of
- computer systems. And the beat goes on.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Score another win for Microsoft in its efforts to make its
- Windows "multitasking environment" the standard over IBM's
- Topview. PC WEEK reported this week that AT&T Information Systems
- is working on customizing Windows for its PC 6300 personal
- computer system, and will soon start giving every PC 6300
- purchaser a free copy. Though spokespeople for both AT&T and
- Microsoft declined comment to NEWSBYTES, PC WEEK says an official
- announcement of the deal will be made soon.
- CONTACTS: AT&T Information Systems, 100 Southgate Plaza,
- Morristown, NJ 07960, 201-898-3278
- Microsoft Corporation, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017,
- Redmond, WA 98073, 206-882-8080
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Wang Laboratories this week unveiled the Wang Integrated Office
- System (WIOS), which lets office users transmit both voice and
- data at the same time over standard telephone lines. The system,
- designed for medium-to-large sized corporations, requires special
- voice/data terminals, a Wang VS minicomputer, and the Wang
- Business Exchange PBX system. Users can exchange voice and data
- both within a building and between branch offices. WIOS is Wang's
- latest attempt to gain a hold on that ever-potentially-lucrative
- "integrated business environment." WIOS will initially be offered
- in ten metropolitan areas. A "typical" system for 48 telephones
- costs about $85,000.
- CONTACT: Wang Laboratories, One Industrial Ave., Lowell, MA
- 01851, 617-459-5000
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- It's not often that typewriter technology migrates upward to
- personal computers; but a Rochester, NY company is doing just
- that. Microlytics, which recently acquired Writing Consultants
- and its on-line spelling checker/thesaurus, announced last week
- that it's also reached a licensing agreement with Xerox under
- which it'll be developing a RAM-based version of the "Type Write"
- spelling checker that's integrated into Xerox's Memorywriter
- electronic typewriter. Type Write, which was developed at Xerox's
- Palo Alto, CA Research Center (PARC), has a 110,000-word
- dictionary compressed into 64K bytes. By comparison, Borland's
- Turbo Lightning RAM-based spelling checker/thesaurus requires
- 170K bytes in order to use its 83,000-word dictionary. A company
- spokesperson says Microlytics is considering marketing Type Write
- as a stand-alone product, but is first approaching makers of word
- processing packages with an eye toward integrating Type Write
- into existing products.
- CONTACT: Microlytics, Inc., Techniplex, 300 Main St., East
- Rochester, NY 14445, 716-248-9150
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Want to know the real dirt about all the well-known (and not-so-
- well known) PC software? The bugs, undocumented features,
- upcoming releases, etc.? Now you can. Canton, MA-based Corporate
- Software, whose monthly "Tech Notes" newsletter has been
- revealing it all to the company's customers, is now making their
- newsletter available to the general public. But knowledge costs;
- a yearly subscription will set you back $250.
- CONTACT: Corporate Software, Inc., Canton, MA, 617-821-2250
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Computer technology is coming to the aid of hard-pressed
- entertainment casting agencies, and helping out both accomplished
- and aspiring actors and actresses at the same time. RoleCall is a
- computerized casting service that's been in existence for the
- past three months in New York City. Casting directors and
- agencies pay $250 a year for unlimited access to the database,
- which includes cross-referenced and indexed resumes of actors and
- actresses, as well as their photographs on videodisk. Directors
- looking for certain characteristics can enter any number of wierd
- requests into the system. (How about a bearded and overweight 35-
- year-old computer writer who can do a passable New Hampshire
- Yankee accent?) So far, the database contains about 3500 people,
- and the company expects it to grow exponentially. You too can get
- into RoleCall's database; it'll cost you a $35 data-entry fee
- plus $25/year. Fame awaits!
- CONTACT: RoleCall, New York, NY, 212-302-4520
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- News broke that Japan's three trading firms including Mitsubishi,
- Mitsui and Sumitomo, will launch an international telecommunica-
- tion business in order to vie with Japan's international telecom
- monopoly KDD. According to a published report, those three
- corporations will soon establish a feasibility study firm dubbed
- "International Data Communication Service". Then, within two
- years, the actual service company will be created in
- cooperation with major electronics firms. This new service
- company is expected to tie up with ITT, WUI, RCA, British
- Telecom, Cable & Wireless, etc., in order to provide various
- international telecom services such as telephone, facsimile,
- telex, TV conference and data communication for computers.
- The service fee will be much cheaper than the KDD's, a report
- says.
- Meanwhile, KDD announced (4/17) that it will lower the charge for
- overseas phone calls by an average of 10% in order to accommodate
- the yen's appreciation. That's good timing--it kills two birds
- with a single stone!
- CONTACT: Mitsui Bussan Trading Co., Tokyo, 03-285-7563 (PR. Dept)
- KDD (International Telegraph and Telephone Corp.)
- Tokyo, 03-270-9068
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Japanese typewriter manufacturer Brother Corp. released a
- software vending machine "TAKERU" on April 21. Customers just
- insert their own floppy disks or ROM cartridges into the machine,
- which is installed at computer shops, book stores, super markets,
- etc. Then, they select a program they want from among over 400 kinds
- of popular games and educational software for various Japanese
- personal computers. TAKERU automatically calls the host computer
- through Intec's (Tokyo dealer) VAN to access the selected program
- to write in the customers' media at low cost. Brother plans to
- market 1,000 vending machines this year. It can be leased at $306
- per month.
- CONTACT: Brother Corp., Nagoya, Japan, 052-263-5895
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- According to a published report, LSI Logic Japan (a subsidiary
- of the U.S. manufacturer) will open sales offices and design
- centers in Korea and Taiwan in December 1987. These offices and
- centers are said to handle products such as gate arrays and
- standard cells. Currently, LSI Logic has its design centers in
- Tokyo and Osaka. And the company has already linked with C.ITOH
- and Marubeni Trading for the sales of LSI Logic's products in
- Japan. Also, LSI Logic Japan and Kawasaki Steel Corp. have
- recently established a venture business called "Japan
- Semiconductor" for developing new generation LSIs. Now, LSI
- Logic has been anticipating the recovery of the demand for
- semiconductors.
- CONTACT: LSI Logic Japan, 6-1-20 Akasaka, Minato-ku
- Tokyo, Japan
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Hitachi will release (5/21) a CMOS 8-bit single-chip
- microcomputer with a 2K EEPROM (Electronically Erasable and
- Programmable ROM) which can be used for IC cards or databanks.
- This new product "HD65901" has Hitachi's original 8-bit MPU, a 3K
- Mask ROM and a 128-byte RAM. According to a report, the size of
- this microcomputer is 1/4 of the current models, and its
- processing speed is 20%-30% faster. Also, the installed EEPROM
- has a password protection feature for data security purposes.
- The price for this sample product is US$28.
- CONTACT: Hitachi, Tokyo, 03-258-2057 (PR.Dept.)
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- SEGA Enterprizes, a home computer manufacturer in Tokyo,
- announced (4/14) that it would start shipping its AI computer
- "SEGA AI" on July 1. SEGA AI has been developed in cooperation
- with CSK (Tokyo), aiming at mainly the K-12 market. This new
- home computer has NEC's original CPU "V20", and comes with an
- 18cm x 25cm tablet. The programs are written in Prolog. The
- price of the machine is US$486, and the programs cost between
- $27 and $44.
- CONTACT: SEGA Enterprizes, 1-2-12 Haneda, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 144
- JAPAN (Phone: 03-743-7447)
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- There's something in the wind around SEIKO-EPSON, the merger of
- Suwa-SEIKO and EPSON. The Nagano-based SEIKO-EPSON has been
- transferring the company's main divisions, such as the
- president's office and overseas marketing department, into its
- Tokyo branch. Tokyo is certainly more convenient than Nagano,
- which is located in the middle of mountains. The spokesman
- explains the recent move is to beef up the overseas production rate
- of printers etc. Humm... We'll see.
- CONTACT: SEIKO-EPSON, Japan, 0266-52-3131
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- manufacturing EPROMs in cooperation with Waferscale Integration
- in the U.S. The company's first products include 64K and 128K
- EPROMs. Sharp also plans to produce 256K EPROMs soon.
- HITACHI's 1M EPROM -- Hitachi will release its 1M EPROM at US$67
- in June. Its accessing speed is 1.30 nano-sec. According to a
- report, Hitachi plans to output this EPROM 200,000 to 300,000
- per month by the end of this year.
- FUJITSU's SUPER FAST 256K SRAM -- Fujitsu has released two types
- of 256K static RAM with an access time of 55 nano-sec. The
- prices are US$100 and $111.
- RICOH AND AT&T -- RICOH recently started supplying its image
- scanners to AT&T on an OEM basis. It is for AT&T's model 6300.
- RICOH expects annual sales of US$56 million in three years.
- MICROPRO RECOVERS -- According to a published report, Japanese
- WordStar 2000 -- code named "TwinStar" -- has been selling well.
- As a result, MicroPro Japan expects total US$8.3 million or 50%
- increase for the company's sales for fiscal '86.
- JAPANESE 10-BASE III -- A Japanese version of "10-BASE III" has
- been developed by Simple Corp. (Tokyo). The original program
- was developed by Fox Research Inc. (Dayton, Ohio). The new version
- will be released at US$277 in June.
- TI VS. TOSHIBA -- Following the same footsteps as NEC, Toshiba
- has filed a countersuit against TI for allegedly infringing
- Toshiba's 256K DRAM copyright. The suit was filed at Dallas
- District Court in the U.S. Japanese manufacturers have been
- getting more aggressive in their efforts to get the upper-hand
- in the renewal of cross license agreement with TI.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Last week was the first full week in which the Interception
- of Communications Act came into force in the UK on April
- 14th. People who suspect that their phone is being tapped
- can now do something about it. The new British law allows
- people to present their suspicions to a tribunal of five
- people - all lawyers - appointed by the UK government.
- Assuming that the complaint isn't one of the cases where a
- police warrant has been issued for "the purposes of
- preventing or detecting a serious crime," or, "in the
- interests of national security," or "for the purpose of
- safeguarding the economic well-being of the United Kingdom,"
- then the tribunal may investigate and order the destruction
- of any material which has "resulted from the illegal or
- improper tapping of telephones."
- The new law stems from a ruling in the High Court in 1984,
- by the European Court of Human Rights, which found the UK
- government guilty of contravening basic human rights with
- regard to the monitoring of the numbers dialled from an
- antique dealer's telephone.
- Whilst NEWSBYTES UK accepts that telephone taps are
- necessary to cope with the three exclusion clauses in the
- Act, it's interesting to note that in the current case now
- halfway through at Southwark Crown Court, London, involving
- NEWSBYTES UK's bureau chief (that's me folks), the Judge has
- ruled that *data* does not come under the term "a telephone
- conversation" as defined under the Act above.
- As I mentioned last issue, I, along with other journalists,
- am not allowed to comment on such decisions, until the
- trial's outcome is decided (Friday 25th April), so, as they
- say - Watch this space!
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Sources close to Amstrad report that the much-vaunted IBM PC
- clone - twin discs, monitor etc, all in for about the 700
- pound ($1,000) mark - is hitting problems. Despite
- reportedly booking large spaces at the forthcoming PC User
- show in June (Source: Microscope), the firm has still not
- got a bug free model in production. Since Amstrad took over
- Sinclair a few weeks ago (See NEWSBYTES UK 16th April
- issue), the inside word is that Amstrad is also working on
- a 68000-based machine to rival the Atari ST. No doubt after
- the takeover of Sir Clive Sinclair's empire, the
- considerable R&D that went into the QL will be put to good
- use. When either the PC or 68000 machine will see the light
- of day is, however, anyone's guess!
- Contact: Amstrad Consumer Electronics, PO Box 462,
- Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4EE, United Kingdom. Tel: Brentwood
- (0277) 230222.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Mitsubishi Electric Co, the giant Japanese retailer, is
- dramatically raising its profile in the UK with the
- introduction of a new range of own label PC clones. The
- move marks a major change for the company which had
- previously been content with selling their machines on an
- OEM basis.
- The new machines will be called the 800 series, and will centre
- around an 8088 and 80286 cpu. Prices start at 1,700 pounds
- ($2,465) for a model 816 which is 8088-based, runs at
- 4.77Mhz, and sports twin floppies, 512K RAM and a 12 inch
- mono monitor. For those with deeper wallets, there is the
- 876N at.2,400 pounds, with a 20Mb internal hard drive
- instead of one of the drives. Flagship of the range runs at
- 3,400 pounds ($4,930), which gets you an 80286-based 816F,
- complete with 512K RAM (expandable to 5Mb, eight expansion
- slots, single 1.2Mb floppy, 40Mb internal hard drive and a
- 14 inch colour monitor. All the systems support MS-DOS 3.1,
- CP/M-86 and Xenix whilst the 816F and 816N cpus can be
- switched to run at 7.16Mhz. Mitsubishi is planning to
- set up a complete new sales network and HQ in the UK to
- support the machines - talk about optimistic!
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Whilst British Telecom's public viewdata service Prestel has
- had the general market all to itself since 1979, there are
- now several rival networks eyeing the UK market with some
- interest. One latecomer to the 'interested party' group is
- the French government's Teletel system. Teletel offers full
- colour viewdata-style graphics and has close on two million
- subscribers online in France. This compares exceptionally
- well with the Prestel user base of 60,000, the difference
- being attributable to the French government's farsighted
- decision a few years ago to issue terminals *free* to
- households, and transfer details of France's telephone
- subscribers onto Teletel, thus scrapping the requirement for
- paper phone directories in one fell swoop - neat huh? The
- French phone company reckon the savings made so far in not
- printing directories more than offsets the cost of the
- terminals - result, la networked nation!
- As part of their continuing expansion plans, Teletel will be
- opening up dial up ports for Teletel in London, UK, and plans
- to start signing up UK users. The only snag here is that us
- Brits speak English, not French, but Teletel may yet turn
- bilingual. One innovative software house - Aldoda
- International - is working on a terminal software package
- for the hugely successful BBC Microcomputer, which seems to
- hold the bulk of the online computer market here in the UK.
- Vive la Teletel!
- Contact: David Lisbona, Aldoda International, 201 Haverstock
- Hill, London, NW3 4QG, Tel 01-794-0991.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Adding credence to the persuasive arguments that VDU usage
- is unhealthy (well it sure is tiring - yawn), comes news
- that the UK Civil Service Union - The Civil & Public
- Servants Association - is putting the finishing touches to a
- deal with their employers (the government) over a pay deal
- on the use of new technology. In return for up to five
- pounds extra in members' weekly pay packets, the union has
- agreed to let its members use VDUs and PCs, under strict
- guidelines to prevent fatigue, eyestrain, etc. The whole deal
- will take three years to implement, and will involve the
- simplification of civil service grades, usually upwards when
- the staff concerned deal directly with VDU's.
- Contact: Veronica Baine, CPSA National Officer, Civil &
- Public Servants Association, 7 St Johns Hill, London SW11,
- Tel: 01-228-1455.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Viewfax 258, an information provider to the Prestel Database,
- carried an amusing story this week involving a bank customer
- from southern England. Whilst travelling in Scotland, he
- noticed that the through the wall cash dispensers allowed
- him unlimited cash withdrawals from his account. He was so
- impressed at this loophole that he promptly withdrew
- 36,000 pounds (around $50,000) from several cash dispensers,
- in multiples of 100 pounds. Being an honest person,
- however, he returned the cash to the bank pointing out just
- what could be done. For his trouble (and theirs) the bank
- charged him 20 pounds to pay the money back in!
- What would *you* have done with the money? - answers please
- to: Ronald Biggs Esq., c/o The Great Train Robbery, San
- Paulo, Brazil.
- ==
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Insiders say ITT is about to consummate a deal to sell its
- Dialcom electronic news and information service to British
- Telecom, terms undisclosed. The two started talking last
- December, with discussions about possible joint electronic mail
- ventures. Then Telecom offered to buy the whole Dialcom shooting
- match. ITT agreed. ITT picked up Dialcom in 1982, when the
- company had revenues of $12 million. According to Dialcom
- officials, the 1986 revenues totaled $18.9 million, with a
- customer base of 100,000. ITT also tried to sell a piece of
- Dialcom that handles constituent mail for a number of congressmen
- to Aristotle Industries, a Connecticut firm that markets
- campaign software. That deal fell through, say Dialcom officials.
- CONTACT: ITT Dialcom, 600 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, DC,
- 20024, 202-488-0550.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- "Capital Computer Digest," a magazine covering the microcomputer
- scene in the Washington area, published its first issue last
- week. The 24-page tabloid featured a fair amount of advertising,
- including a full-page ad from Advanced Computer Concepts, an
- Arlington, Va., retailer which is selling boat loads of Leading
- Edge PC clones. The magazine will come out twice a month, and is
- free. According to publisher Peg Clark, the intent of the
- publication "is to provide interesting reading and helpful
- information to computer users in small businesses, corporations,
- and independent users. Local, state and federal government
- purchasing news will get attention, too."
- CONTACT: Clark Publishing Co., 1408 N. Fillmore Street, Suite 1,
- Arlington Va.,22201, 703-525-7900.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Virginia Governor Gerald Baliles has called for open access to
- the books of the troubled Center for Innovative Technology, a pet
- project of Baliles predecessor as governor, Charles Robb. Former
- center President Robert Pry was the focus of controversy over the
- mission of the $32 million agency. Pry's secretive style, and the
- center's lavish exemptions from the state's freedom of
- information rules, fed the fires of the center's critics.
- Baliles has appointed a new chief of the organization founded to
- serve as a link between scholarly research and the private
- sector. The new president is Ronald Carrier, who stepped down as
- president of James Madison University in Harrisonburg. Baliles
- also said he saw no reason why the basic financial information
- about the center ought to be secret. The former state attorney
- general said he felt the exemptions to the state's disclosure
- laws were designed to protect trade secrets and proprietary
- information, not to hide the agency's management from public
- criticism.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Tandy Corp. of Fort Worth, Texas, will build a $6 million
- distribution center in Hagerstown, an economically hard-hit city
- in western Maryland. The 250,000 square-foot facility will be on
- a 20-acre site designated as an enterprise zone. That designation
- gives Tandy considerable tax advantages. Tandy says it will hire
- 60 employees when the construction is complete, and another 40
- later.
- CONTACT: Tandy Corp., Ft. Worth, Texas, 817-390-3700.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Despite widespread use of personal computers, dedicated word
- processors are still the two-to-one choice of companies for most
- of their word processing needs, according to the Administrative
- Management Society of Willow Grove, Pa. In an article in the
- society's magazine "Management World", a survey of 282 companies
- polled said they rely on dedicated WP equipment. Only 27 percent
- said they meet their word processing load with personal
- computers.
- But computers are growing in importance to corporate word
- processors. In this year's survey, 61 percent said they have
- micros with word processing software in their offices, compared
- to 51 percent last year. More important, 42 percent said they
- plan to buy PCs rather than dedicated units in the future.
- CONTACT: Administrative Management Society, Maryland Road, Willow
- Grove Pa., 19090, 215-659-4300.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- The Air Force says GTE Government Systems Division has been
- consistently 30 days ahead of schedule in delivering a
- computerized system to train tactical weapons controllers and
- technicians. The system training and exercise module -- STEM --
- is designed to simulate tactical air battles with computers,
- communications, and display consoles. The devices can simulate
- aircraft interception, close air support, refueling,
- reconnaissance, and search and rescue.
- CONTACT: GTE Government Systems Division, 1700 Research Drive,
- Rockville, Md., 301-294-8400.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- BDM International of McLean, Va., a high-tech professional
- services company, is looking for acquisitions. The company, which
- does most of its work with the Defense Department and the
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, would like to buy up a
- company with a strong client list of non-defense contractors and
- commercial accounts. BDM is selling 1.5 million shares of its
- common stock, now trading at about $28 per share, in order to
- have adequate cash on hand for a quick buy if the company finds
- the right purchase.
- CONTACT: Earle C. Williams, President, BDM International,
- 7915 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, Va., 22102, 703-821-
- 5000.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Businessland Inc. of San Jose, Calif., will acquire MBI Business
- Centers Inc. of Rockville, Md., for a stock swap valued at $75
- million. The deal will turn Businessland into a major national
- computer retailer with about 150 stores across the land and
- estimated annual revenues of $600 million. MBI has 36 computer
- stores on the East Coast and recently acquired 11 stores in North
- and South Carolina from Computer South. The company also holds a
- contract with the General Services Administration to operate the
- equivalent of retail outlets for government buyers only. MBI had
- 1985 sales of about $118 million and a net of $3 million.
- Businessland with 69 stores had sales of $350 million last year
- and profits of $3.6 million. The company said in April that it
- will acquire United Telecommunications's 36 AmeriSource computer
- stores in the Midwest. The Businessland takeover of MBI is
- expected to be concluded in August.
- CONTACT: MBI Business Centers Inc., 1800 Rockville Pike,
- Rockville, Md., 20854, 301-279-0551.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- The Washington Computer Business Index has fallen dramatically
- for the second straight week. The index, based on pages of retail
- computer ads in "Washington Business," dropped to 173.1 from the
- prior week's 203.8. The index has dropped nearly 100 points in
- two weeks. Two weeks ago, the index stood at 271. The April 14
- edition contained nine pages of microcomputer ads, compared to
- 20.5 pages of non-computer display ads. Unlike the prior week,
- when computer ads fell while non-computer ads rose, both
- categories of advertising were down last week.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- $$$ Verdix Corp. of Chantilly, Va., will be supplying the
- Verdix Ada Development System for use on the DEC VAX family
- of minicomputers running under the ULTRIX operating system. Prices
- will average about $20,000 each, but vary depending on the
- processor in the VAX.
- CONTACT: Verdix Corp., Chantilly, Va., 703-378-7600.
- $$$ Syscon Corp. of Washington recorded a 12 percent increase
- in first quarter earnings. Net income for the first quarter of
- 1986 was $1.1 million, or 24 cents per share, on sales of $29.2
- million. For the first quarter of 1985, earnings were 21 cents
- per share, or $986,000, on $26.1 million in sales.
- CONTACT: Syscon Corp., Washington D.C., 202-342-4000.
- $$$ Iverson Technology Corp. of McLean, Va., has moved into
- commercial systems integration, a new market for the firm that
- specializes in integrating low electronic signal Tempest systems
- for the military. The new vice president for commercial sales
- will be the aptly-named R. Joseph Market, a 19-year veteran of
- IBM.
- CONTACT: Iverson Technology Corp., McLean, Va., 703-893-3003.
- $$$ Charles Clark, a veteran of Planning Research Corp. of
- McLean, Va., has been named to head federal marketing for
- SofTech, Inc., of Waltham, Mass. SofTech's specialty is system
- software for embedded computers in weapon systems. The company is
- heavily into Ada, the Defense Department programming language.
- CONTACT: SofTech Inc., Waltham, Mass., 617-890-6900.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Montreal, Quebec's CAE Electronics Ltd., a unit of CAE
- Industries (Toronto, Ontario), has recently been awarded
- contracts worth $12.1-million (CDN) by British and American
- concerns. British Airways has awarded a contract of
- $8.5-million for development and manufacture of a flight
- simulator for Boeing 747-236 air crew training. It is the
- sixth simulator ordered from CAE by the British airline.
- And Ephrata, WA's Grant County Public Utility District No.
- 2 is paying CAE another $3.6-million to develop and build
- an energy management system for its network of power
- transmission and generation. The system, to be installed
- at the power utility's headquarters in Ephrata, will have
- auto-generation control.
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Xerox Canada Inc., of Toronto is offering a printwheel for
- its Memorywriter line of electronic typewriters which will
- print characters for Inukitut, the main dialect of the
- Northwest Territories' Inuit natives.
- CONTACT: Xerox Canada Inc., P.O. Box 911, Station U,
- Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5P9
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- "Market Simulator" is an online program offered by
- Investment Simulations Inc. (Waterloo, Ontario) through
- Bell Canada's "Envoy 100" electronic mail service.
- Subscribers select either a margin or cash account to buy,
- sell, or trade stocks on The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE).
- Interest on cash balances, dividends, and commissions are
- calculated, and a weekly portfolio summary is issued.
- Hardware requirements are any PC and modem with
- telecommunications software, and registrants sign up for a
- three-month session at $190 (CDN). Envoy 100 charges are
- extra.
- CONTACT: Investment Simulations Inc., 97 Waterloo Street,
- Box 633, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 4B8
- Bell Canada, 800/268-9100
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Asynchronous X.25 and 3270 networks' system response can be
- monitored with "SIM/RTM," a software package for personal
- computer users wishing to clock how quickly or slowly
- his/her micro receives communication from external
- sources. The program costs $450.
- CONTACT: Simware Inc., 14 Concourse Gate, Nepean, Ontario,
- K2E 7S6
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- The University Of Waterloo (UW) is developing an expert
- system for libraries expected to be ready for public
- testing by the fall. Building on software currently used
- by many libraries for electronic card catalogues, which
- search by menu, the UW system will be able to understand
- keywords, thus skipping many menus and directing
- researchers directly to the pertinent material. The system
- will also perform many human librarian functions, such as:
- answering frequently-asked questions on class assignments;
- and instructing users in search strategies in indices of
- journal articles.
- CONTACT: University Of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue
- West, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- Ontario's Ministry of Colleges And Universities has awarded
- a grant of $1.16-million (CDN) to the University Of
- Waterloo's Applied Research In Educational Systems (ARIES)
- program, for an expanded network of "filling stations,"
- where portable computers can load and dump applications
- programs and data. The money will allow use of 300
- battery-operated laptops donated by Hewlett-Packard
- (Canada) Ltd., of Mississauga, Ontario. Previously, about
- 60 students had been able to make use of the "data pumper."
- Don Cowan, director of ARIES, notes that outlets can now be
- "located all over, [and since] connect time is quite
- short...you only need a few." Researcher Terry Stepien
- looks to the day when outlets can be community-wide,
- "utilising cable-TV connections," or connected via modem
- and cellular telephone transmission. Special word
- processing software developed for the ARIES project allows
- the laptops to be used equally in the humanities and
- science departments.
- CONTACT: University Of Waterloo (as above)
- Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd., 6877 Goreway Drive,
- Mississauga, Ontario, L4V 1M8
- [***][4/22/86][***]
- B U L L E T I N .... April 23, 1986
- by Wendy Woods
- Two of Silicon Valley's legends, Nolan Bushnell and Steve Wozniak,
- have decided to join forces to produce, manufacture, and
- distribute high tech consumer electronics products throughout
- the world.
- Axlon, Inc., Bushnell's high-tech toy firm, will acquire CL9,
- Wozniak's consumer electronics firm, this week, said the pair
- at a news conference at Axlon's Sunnyvale, Ca. headquarters.
- Through the merger, Wozniak and Bushnell will become the major
- stockholders of Axlon. Prior to the merger, Axlon was wholly
- owned by Bushnell.
- Said Wozniak, "I'm really excited about what's coming up at
- Axlon. The toys that are coming I can't talk about. But I'm
- really excited about what I see. The fact that my kid owns and
- loves an "A.G. Bear" was a big factor in making this decision."
- Bushnell said the idea of combining forces--employing Wozniak's
- remote-control electronics technology with Bushnell's toys--
- originally surfaced at a recent gathering at Bushnell's home.
- This is not the first time the two have joined forces. Back
- in 1974, Wozniak collaborated with Bushnell in developing the
- video game "Breakout".
- All of Axlon's 63 and CL9's 10 employees will remain with the
- new firm, Axlon, Inc., although CL9's offices are expected to
- move to Axlon's Sunnyvale headquarters.
- Road, Sunnyvale, Ca. 94089 408/745-1110